Y’all Ready for This? (cue the music)

giphyDig up your 90s Jock Jams cds because it’s time to get pumped up for 2018.  LOTS of wonderful changes are coming to the Paschall household.  I’ve already started my decluttering projects and will continue them until this house is a minimal-ish manageable place.  I’m gearing up for another round of major diet changes…this time for good. And I’m also working on me…in general.  Doing some courses and reading and journaling.  Digging deep to figure out some of my stuff and work through it so I can have a more peaceful, fulfilling life.  And most importantly, working on growing closer to God.  I’m planning my goals for the year and hoping for lots of support from my family and friends.  I want to use this space to stay accountable and share how my journey is going.  Maybe it will help someone else along the way…
Now, back to dancing to the sounds of my teen years.

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