A Beautiful Mess

Hey you, sitting there in the middle of the mess that you feel your life has become, God can make something good come out of this. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now. I know you just want to sink into the floor and disappear. But God has something better waiting for you. How do you get it? Go and take it.

The Holy Spirit through Paul tells us in Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 

Now, it doesn’t say that all things will BE good, but that all things WORK TOGETHER for good. There is something or some way for what is happening right now to work out to the benefit of you and God’s kingdom. I’m not saying, “Everything happens for a reason” or “It’s God’s plan.” I don’t for one second believe, nor can I find biblical backing to show, that God causes bad things to happen to us or takes people from us. BUT, He can and does provide a way for good to come from the bad things in this life.

Now, we have to do our part in this. God is meeting us all the way, but we have to also take action. How do we do this? Think about whatever it is you are going through. If you are experiencing it, chances are that others have, are, or will. If not your exact situation, something similar or relatable. Can you help others by sharing your experiences with them? Is there a lesson that you’ve learned through this that you could pass along? Has this trial developed a new skill or strength in you? Has it shown you what you already were, but didn’t realize? Has it opened a door that was once closed or you’d never even knew was there? Look for that good. Finding that good doesn’t take away from the hurt, pain, or struggle. But it does make it useful, help you to grow, and help you to become who God has given you the potential to be.

Sometimes it will take courage. Many know that I’ve dealt with a lot of mental health struggles. In May of last year, I was privileged to be on the Wifey Wednesdays podcast with my friend Emily Hatfield to discuss Mental Illness and Marriage. I had begun to be open with people about my struggles, but I’d never been this public about them. I knew what a relief it was for me to learn how many of my friends had similar struggles and hoped Emily and I could be that relief for even just one person. I prayed for strength and courage and laid it all out there. I was so scared the day it was set to go live. What would the reaction be? Would people think less of me? Would people pity me and treat me differently? Would this somehow hurt my husband’s influence as a preacher? I was overcome by the support and appreciation I received from so many. There were people who could relate. There were people that were ready to get help. There were people who now felt they had a better understanding of loved ones dealing with mental health issues. I was so relieved and thankful to be a part of that episode. You see, in finding the courage to be open I not only helped others but helped my self as well. I was encouraged by so many. Remeber what God told Joshua after Moses died and he was to take his place as the leader of God’s people.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua1:9

Take a deep cleansing breath. Cry out to God in prayer. Meditate on His word.  Let the Holy Spirit give you His comfort by spending time in the scriptures. The book of Psalms is especially wonderful for this. Adopt an encouraging line of a Psalm or other verse as your mantra. Repeat it over and over to yourself until it becomes a part of you and you truly believe it. Find the good in that beautiful mess.

Do you have a favorite encouraging verse? I’d love for you to post it in the comments so we can encourage and uplift one another!

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